
At The Whitstable School we define bullying as a behaviour that is:

  • Repeated.
  • Intended to hurt someone either physically or emotionally.
  • Often aimed at certain groups, for example because of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Pupils are regularly reminded of the necessity to report bullying of any kind to an adult or through any of the numerous ways listed below.  Pupils will also have been told of the distinction between bullying and conflict between friendship groups.

We employ a range of tried and tested anti-bullying strategies including:

Safetext –Posters are displayed around the school with a phone number where pupils are able to report bullying if they do not have the confidence in speaking to someone face to face. SAFETEXT 07756 477773

5 point bullying plan – Available in all tutor bases, pupils are given key advice on how to deal with bullying.

Pastoral Support Managers – our dedicated team of pastoral managers are there to listen, advise and act on any reports of bullying swiftly.  Liaising with parents of those bullying others and those feeling bullied.

Break and Lunchtime supervision – staff in high visibility jackets on duty during break and lunchtimes are hand to deal with any issues that are reported to them.

Access to indoor areas – specified rooms are available to pupils that feel they would prefer to spend their breaks and lunchtimes in a quiet indoor space supervised by members of staff.

Pupils’ views sought in developing school policies – the voice of the pupils is paramount if we are to develop strategies to combat things they are experiencing. Pupils work alongside senior staff in developing school policies and protocols related to bullying and safety.

Assemblies – We deliver pupil led drama anti-bullying assemblies, in which the key message is to have the courage to speak up.  Pupils are told that if it is not reported then it cannot be dealt with.

Pupil Parliament – Pupil Parliament have been consulted over issues related to bullying, we have been proactive in implementing their suggestions.

Peer mentors – We have a peer mentor scheme in which younger pupils can gain support and advice from older pupils within the school and discuss concerns or problems they are experiencing.

Educational workshops – We run after school workshops for pupils, the aim is to address certain behaviours and encourages pupils to reflect on their behaviour and the impact on others.

We firmly believe that the systems that are in place are robust and effective, however all rely on the school being informed of a situation occurring. Pupils in all instances are encouraged to tell someone if they are experiencing bullying.

If you have any concerns regarding bullying or ways in which conflict between friendship groups is dealt with, please do not hesitate in contacting the Safetext number or Mr D Chaplin directly.