Contact Us
If you require a paper copy of the information held on our website, please contact the main office.
All enquiries should go via the main office and a member of the administration team will respond within 48 hours during term time.
Telephone: 01227 931300
Option 1 - Attendance
Option 2 - Pupil Admissions
Option 4 - Main Reception
Address: The Whitstable School | Bellevue Road, Whitstable | Kent | CT5 1PX
To report an absence or other attendance enquiries
Mr A Holmes
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr J Brewster
Mrs L Murphy
Mr I Fidge (Chair of Governors): contact via clerk
Senior Leadership
Deputy Headteacher (Quality of Education) - Mr D Costley
Deputy Headteacher (Behaviour & Ethos) - Mr S Scales
Senior Assistant Headteacher (Quality of Education) - Mr C Donovan-Bayley
Assistant Headteacher (Quality of Education) - Ms K Girling
Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour & Ethos) - Ms E Ritchie
Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour & Ethos) Safeguarding Lead - Mr J Brewster
Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour & Ethos) SENDCo - Miss L Murphy
Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour & Ethos) - Mr R McLeish
Assistant Headteacher (Quality of Education) English - Mr A Duncan
Assistant Headteacher (Quality of Education) Maths - Mr G Yates
Middle Leadership
Head of Sixth Form (Quality of Education) - Miss A Simons
Raising Standards Lead Yr 7 & 8 (Behaviour & Ethos) - Miss S Brewer
Raising Standards Lead Yr 9 & 10 (Behaviour & Ethos) - Miss S Paddick
Progress Lead Sixth Form (Quality of Education) - Mr B Bills
Careers Lead (Quality of Education) - Miss K Middleton
Mental Health Lead (Behaviour & Ethos) - Mr T Walker
Progress Lead Year 11 - Mrs J Wells
Business & IT Subject Lead (Behaviour & Ethos) - Miss C Sawyer
Director of Technologies - Mrs E Donovan-Bayley
Middle Management Structure - Subject Leads
Business & IT - Miss C Sawyer
Creative Art - Mrs S Connell
Citizenship - Mr M Waters
Dance - Mrs A Payne (From Jan 2025)
Design Technology - Mrs A Newton
Film - Ms C Valentine
Finance - Mr J Bennington
Food Technology - Mrs B Harvey
Geography - Miss C Gilbert
Health & Social Care - Ms T Rawlinson
History - Ms T Coleman (Miss A Bills)
IB Subjects - Miss A Simons
MFL - Ms S Barrett
Performing Arts - Ms A Freeman
Personal Development - Miss N Depta
Physical Education - Mr K Lightfoot
RE/Philosophy Culture Ethics - Mr C Williams
Science - Mr S Baker
Social Sciences - Miss G Reid-Ward
Telephone: 01795 905989
Address: Ashdown House | Johnson Road | Sittingbourne | Kent | ME10 1JS