Philosophy, Culture and Ethics & Religious Studies
Subject overview:
In line with our statutory obligation, the study of religions is taught at all three key stages at TWS. Religious Studies is also offered as a GCSE subject option, which can be selected towards the end of Year 9.
Subject leader in RE - Mr C Williams
Please choose from the drop down options below to find out more about the syllabus offered at each key stage:
Key Stage 3
In KS3, we run the Philosophy, Culture & Ethics (PC&E) programme which consist of one 50-minute lesson per week, using a booklet format for lessons. Pupils receive an introduction to a range of philosophical, cultural and religious perspectives on charity, society, colonialism, diversity, identity, existentialism, ethics, crime and punishment, social justice, and life after death.
Each topic is explored over two lessons, meaning that three topics are covered in one term. The first part of each lesson focuses on the content, in which pupils may watch short video tutorials, study information and perspectives, whilst taking notes. The second part of the lesson will include a recap, a question and answer session in which pupils ask each other questions related to the topic, and then a ‘silent working’ session in which pupils critically evaluate the perspectives explored in the lesson, in the form of an extended piece of writing.
In KS3, all pupils will be set a short homework task in week 2, 3 and 6 of each term, as well as an online multiple choice end of term assessment.
Key Stage 4
In KS4, pupils can choose Religious Studies as a GCSE option, which follows the ‘AQA Religious Studies A’ syllabus, in which pupils study Christianity and one other religion. At TWS, the second religion is Buddhism.
In year 10, the focus is mainly on beliefs and practices within both Christianity and Buddhism, in line with the content of Paper 1 exam. In Year 11, pupils focus on ‘Thematic Studies’ which covers four social issues seen through the beliefs of Christianity and Buddhism. These may include the origins and value of life, crime and punishment, peace and conflict, and human rights and social justice. This syllabus is delivered in terms 1 – 3, with the remaining time before the final exams being used for revision and exam practise.
Both 10 and Year 11 pupils will sit mock exams, as well as being given end of term assessments.
KS4 Statutory:
The KS4 Statutory RE syllabus is delivered in one 50-minute lesson per week covering a basic introduction and grounding in the key orthodox religions. This includes historical context and origins, sacred texts, beliefs and practices. Similar to the KS3 format, pupils complete their work in booklets each term.
Pupils are given homework tasks throughout the term as well as an end of term online assessment each term.
Key Stage 5
At TWS ‘Religion & Philosophy’ is offered as part of the Personal Development programme; Religious Studies is not, as yet, offered as a stand-alone academic subject.
Pupils take Religion & Philosophy lessons in terms 2 & 4 in both Year 12 and 13. The programme is delivered in six 50-minute lessons in each of these terms. Topics might include philosophical, cultural and religious perspectives on the concept of forgiveness. Another topic covered is the value of the natural world seen through those three same perspectives.
All work is completed in booklets especially designed for the programme.